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Human rights

Prohibition of Child Labor and Forced Labor

AICELLO MILIM Co., Ltd.  respects the principles outlined in international human rights conventions, the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and other relevant frameworks. We uphold the principles of human rights, respecting the laws of each country where we operate. Additionally, we strictly prohibit all forms of child labor, forced labor, including slavery and human trafficking.

Prevention of Harassment

AICELLO MILIM Co., Ltd.  recognizes that harassment is an issue related to human rights, compromising the dignity of employees and contributing to a deteriorating work environment. We are committed to cutting off any form of harassment, showing no tolerance, and making every effort to create a safe and pleasant workplace environment where all employees can respect each other.

Employment Status

Employment Ratio


The regular employment ratio of employees at AICELLO MILIM Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd. is 100%, contributing to stable local employment rates and job creation.

﹡Employee Benefits

Various Allowances

Performance bonuses, long-term service awards, outstanding employee recognition, position-based allowances, certification allowances, long-term service allowances, family allowances.


Excellence awards, in-house cafeteria (employee cafeteria), social events coordination, annual holiday gift support.

Working Environment

Lounge, meeting rooms, provision of uniforms and work attire.

Support and Funds

Dormitory operation, fuel expenses reimbursement, housing loans, parking facilities with support, employee loan program, various support for life events, support for children’s education funds.

Talent Development

We recognize the academic achievements of our employees during their tenure by acknowledging degrees obtained in the field they are currently engaged in. We consider the conditions for them to utilize and demonstrate their abilities and reflect the acquired degrees or qualifications in personnel matters. This approach maintains fairness with individuals holding the same degrees and provides motivation for continued dedication to the organization.

Training and Development Expenses

To enhance the qualifications and cultivate the professional abilities of our employees, we fully support the tuition fees for directly or indirectly related courses.

Diversity and Gender Equality

Gender Equality and Diversity

Welfare and Benefits for Female employees
For female employees who do not work on their menstrual days, we support one day of paid leave, allowing them to decide freely.

Disability Education and Employment Rate

Every year, we conduct awareness improvement education for employees with disabilities, achieving a 100% employment rate for mandatory employment quotas as a workplace with over 100 employees.

Industrial Safety

  1. We comply with industrial safety regulations.
  2. We conduct annual regular health checkups for free, maintaining a 100% examination rate.
  3. We make efforts to reduce the smoking rate among employees through anti-smoking campaigns.
  4. With a goal of achieving a 0% industrial accident rate, we actively promote creating a safe workplace.

Community Engagement

AICELLO MILIM Co., Ltd.  regularly donates funds to local community protection agencies and actively participates in supporting child education expenses through World Vision. As part of our efforts to support youth, we annually sponsor a youth music concert, allowing local community residents to attend the concert for free.