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(One Barrier Antistatic Clean bag)

It has an excellent barrier property for vacuum packaging outstanding cleanliness as AFB-01.

Its surface layer is anti-slippery, which provides excellent workability. It is suitable for high functional electronic packages that are sensitive to particles and static.

1. Difference from the the existing clean bags

AFB-1 and ADF-03 GRADE clean bags out of all our existing clean bags are made with polyethylene, which have excellent cleanliness and workability, but it had an issue of vacuum packaging being easily released after a long period of time without gas barrier function that blocks oxygen penetration.
The gas barrier function of our nylon clean bag, made with 100% nylon, had excellent performance, yet the inconvenience of workability.

Nylon Barrier Clean Bag solves all such problems of cleanliness, workability, and gas barrier function, and lastly anti-static feature, which is an innovative clean bag. However, the one side is made with nylon, which may cause slight curl or slippery issues.

After continuous research to improve such issues, we became the first to succeed in the development of the innovative clean bag with excellent cleanliness, anti-static function, and all-in-one feature that does not cause curl or slippery issue in the world.

2. Anti-static function of OBC-08(One Barrier Antistatic Clean bag)

OBC-08 shows the excellent anti-static effect of 1010, and it is possible to flexibly adjust from 109 to 1012 upon the request of clients. It prevents powder from staining without using anti-static additives, which enables to maintain the cleanliness of package content perfectly.

3. “Cleanliness” of OBC-08(One Barrier Antistatic Clean bag)

OBC-08 has the same level of “cleanliness” as AFB-01, which is one of our clean bags that have excellent “cleanliness”. It has the most advanced functions that does not elute particles and has outstanding anti-static functions without using anti-static additives.

4. Gas barrier property of OBC-08(One Barrier Antistatic Clean bag)

OBC-08 has much lower oxygen penetration rate compared to the clean bag made with polyethylene, which does not release vacuum packaging easily after a long period of time. It is the best quality clean bag with cleanliness, anti-static functions, and gas barrier(vacuum packaging) property, which provides excellent workability without slippery issue.